The Stylists: Style as Character, Style as Politics, Style as Form

Year II: Writing Workshop

“You must find your form.”

—Richard Howard to Susan Sontag

The essay-film

The poem-as-poor-copy

The poem-as-political-document

Artists’ theater

Letters as criticism

Letters as landscape

Letters as everything

Radio plays

Concrete poetry

Film as a form of writing

The video diary

The exhibition as script

The lecture-performance

The novel as performance

The novel

The song (pop or other) as

Kathy Acker

Etel Adnan

Chantal Akerman

Robert Ashley

Caroline Bergvall

Ulysses Carrion

Anne Carson

Mahmoud Darwish

Marguerite Duras

Theresa Hak Kyung Cha

Emmanuel Hocquard

Chris Kraus

Bernadette Mayer

Tillie Olsen

Adrian Piper

Lisa Robertson

These will be our models

Our stylists

Our scripts

Or our forms

Or our—