Course Structure


The key documents of reference for your academic progress in Work.Master are the Semester Contract (Contrat semestriel) and the Study Plan (Plan d'études). They constitute the framework and structure your studies.

Your studies consist of three types of teaching: Personal Development (Approfondissement personnel), Orientation Program (Programme d'orientation), and Core Curriculum HES-SO (Tronc commun HES-SO):

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (Approfondissement personnel) consists of two types of ongoing work:

1. Studio Practice (Pratiques d'atelier): your regular work accompanied by individual meetings (RDVs) and participation in Critical Sessions.

2. Preparation for Diploma (Préparation au diplôme): meetings focusing on specific aspects of the Diploma Work


- In Semesters 1, 2, and 3 you are required to take at least 4 RDVs each semester and present your work at the Critical Sessions on the assigned date.

- In Semester 2 you are required to present your work to the end-of-year jury for evaluation

- In Semester 4 you are required to complete your diploma project by submitting a written thesis and preparing the diploma work

ORIENTATION PROGRAM (Programme d'orientation):

This is the rich offer of Lab.Zones and Think.Zones that Work.Master offers.

- in Semesters 1 and 2 you are required to complete 2 Lab.Zones and 2 Think.Zones in each Semester

- in Semester 3 you are required to complete 1 Lab.Zone and 1 Think.Zone


This module consists of courses and programs organised across departments and across other schools which, aside from HEAD, also include ECAL (Lausanne), EDHEA (Sierre), ZHdK (Zurich), HKB (Bern) and FHNW (Basel).

The elements in this module include:

1. Semestrial Transversal Seminars (Séminaire transversal) at the HEAD.

2. Annual three-day-long workshop POOL CH held in the week of October 30 - November 3 2023 and organised in collaboration with HEAD, ECAL, and EDHEA.

3. Annual three-day-long MASTER SYMPOSIUM sessions held on March 25 - March 27 2024 at HEAD, ECAL, and EDHEA.


- In Semester 1 you are required to complete 1 Transversal Seminar and 1 POOL CH workshop

- In Semester 2 you are required to complete 1 Transversal Seminar and 1 MASTER SYMPOSIUM

- In Semester 3 you are required to complete 1 Visarte Seminar as Transversal Seminar and 1 POOL CH workshop



Throughout your studies, you will have an e-mail address. The address is formed as follows: [FIRSTNAME.LASTNAME]

Your [LOGINHES] (which is not your e-mail address), allows you to log in to your webmail from a browser at:

Enter your [LOGINHES] in the "username" field and your password

This and additional information is available at:


You can sign up for RDVs here. These appointments are a commitment by both the student and the tutor. If you are unable to attend an appointment, it is essential that you inform the tutor concerned well in advance by e-mail.


Critical sessions take place every two weeks on Wednesdays are an essential part of the program.

- in each Semester 1, 2, and 3 you are required to install and present your work on the assigned day followed by a discussion with students and tutors.

The detailed schedule of Critical Sessions will be available soon.


Tutors work with you closely and help in developing your Diploma Project. Tutorhip appointments should be made directly with the Tutor of your choice.

By the end of Semester 2 you are required to have contacted and confirmed your Theory and Practical Tutor. The deadline for this is Friday, June 28th 2024.

In the Winter Semester of 2023/2024, you can sign up for RDVs with the following tutors.

Practical Tutorships: Mabe Bethônico, Lili Reynaud Dewar, Fabrice Gigy, Laure Marville, Clovis Maillet, Christelle Lheureux, Mai-Thu Perret, Bruno Serralongue, Magdalena Gerber.

Theoretical Tutorships: Christophe Kihm, Charlotte Laubard, Clovis Maillet, Ileana Parvu, Emmanuelle Pireyre, David Zerbib


In the Academic Year 2023/24 the MASTER SYMPOSIUM will take place on March 25, 26, and 27 at HEAD, ECAL, and EDHEA.

More information on the upcoming MASTER SYMPOSIUM will be available here.


Please not that: You can register for only one course, and fill in only one form.

If you are in Semester 3, you are required to complete the Visarte seminar.

Please use your HEAD address in the form


October 30 - November 3 and organised in collaboration with ECAL (Lausanne), EDHEA (Sierre), ZHdK (Zurich), HKB (Bern), and FHNW (Basel).

For more information on POOL CH see here.


Both juries take place in June. They consist of a presentation of your installed work to a jury composed of artists, curators, critics and other professionals who are not familiar with your practice. The presentation is follwed by a discussion. Your practical tutor will be present for the diploma juries.

Each year, students in the final semester collectively submit a proposal to invite one member of the external diploma. The proposed persons should be based in Europe.

Additional information:
- It is important to book the rooms as soon as you receive the diploma schedule (via your HES email), taking into account the set-up and dismantling time of your work/installation.
- We also advise you to book equipment from the audiovisual desk as much in advance as possible.