Alternate Takes, Niels Trannois
ARcTic, Art and Climate
Beyond the Grain, Mabe Bethonico
Labzone autogéré par les étudiant.x.e.s : Bricole/Arpentage
Bureau des Interventions Publiques (BIP)
Buropolis, Emmanuelle Lainé
Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz : an oral and local history of 10 hectic years at the Work.Master (2011-2021), Lili Reynaud-Dewar
fAShIoN TIME !!, Marlie Mul
Fireplace. Ceramics and Nutrition, Magdalena Gerber
Group Show – Theater – Hell, Calla Henkel and Max Pitegoff
im/possible lab, Rosa Menkman
Labzone Fabrice Gygi, Fabrice Gygi
Labzone Mai-Thu Perret, Mai-Thu Perret
Sculpture Garden, Sonia Kacem
Learning from the Beaver People to amplify life and heal rivers, Suzanne Husky
Talking Things, Bastien Gachet
Réflexion autour du « Système Technicien » selon Jacques Ellul, Fabrice Gygi
Mediocrity, Reba Maybury
Mimetism and Observation, Fabrice Gygi
Resonating Ceramics
Stop! Why, when and how to no longer be an artist, Lili Reynaud-Dewar
Talking Things, Bastien Gachet
The Event of a Thread, Mai-Thu Perret
The Network as Artist: Cyberfeminism and Decolonial Perspectives, Célin Jiang
Video Diary, Morag Keil
Vzszhhzz, Jeanne Graff
Ways of Remembering Existing, Donna Kukama
When The Museum Is Closed, Mårten Spångberg