Jay Jordan

Lab.Zone , RDV

Labelled a "Domestic Extremist" by the police, and “a magician of rebellion” by the press Jay (formerly John) Jordan (they/them) is a transArt-activist, author and witch. Part-time sex worker and full time trouble maker.

They Co-founded Reclaim the streets and the clown army, have written an opera for one, a BBC radio play and facilitated community rituals, always applying joy and creativity to social and ecological mouvements. They are co-author of: We Are Everywhere: The irresistible rise of global anticapitalism (2003,Verso). With Isabelle Fremeauxthey wrote, Les Sentiers de l’utopie ( La découverte, 2011) and We are ‘Nature’ Defending Itself: Entangling Art, Activism and Autonomous Zones (Pluto, 2021).

Together they facilitate the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination (labofii) which brings artists and activists together to co-design creative tools or resistance. Straddling between institutions and mouvements - from the Berliner Festspeile to Climate Camp, the Vienna Festwoch to anti summit protests and infamously refusing to be censored by the Tate modern– the Labofii is now based on the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, where a 40 year long struggle stoped a destructive airport project.
