H.I.A.T - Holding It All Together

Magdalena Gerber

Holding it all together[1] – or not
Magdalena Gerber

Lab.zone combines the notions of conservation/restoration and bricology[2], with a particular focus on ceramics and textiles.

H.I.AT - or not will have two main axis. The first will offer a series of meetings, lectures and visits to museums and venues specialising in these fields, such as the MEG/Geneva, the Museum für Kulturen/Basel, the Abeggstiftung/Riggisberg[3] and the Haute-école Arc/Neuchâtel[4]. The second axe will consist of personal and/or bi-nominal research, leading to the realization of pieces.

The questions addressed will be: how can the perception of an artefact be modified or even enhanced by repair and reassembly? What impact does restoration have on the intellectual property of the work? How can we reconstruct a solid meaning from scraps and fragments? In short, as Anna Schmid[5] says in the introduction to the Fragments catalogue: the strength of combination - the art of separation - the power of destruction.

The Lab.zone year conceived as an entity. In addition to theoretical approaches, the autumn semester will focus on the notion of surface (weave-loop-knot-colour) and link (glue). In the spring semester, glue-free assembly (knots, sewing) and the protection of works (packaging) will be in focus.

[1] AMBERS Janet, HIGGITT Catherine, HARRISON Lynne and SAUNDERS David: Holding it all together, Ancient and Modern Approaches to Joining, Repair and Consolidation, Birtish Museum, London 2009
[2] GOLSENNE Thomas, Bricologie. La souris et le perroquet, Retour sur une exposition, in : Essais de Bricologie, Ethnologie de l’art et du design contemporains, Revue Technique et culture, 2015, N° 64 p 128-151,
[3] Visite de l’exposition de la collection textile de réputation international et du service de restauration avec un atelier pratique organisé par Mme Caroline Vogt, responsable du Bachelor/Master Restauration Conservation
[4] Visite des ateliers de restauration céramique et verre de la HeArc et conférence de Mme Hortense De Corneillan, chargée de cours en conservation restauration, sur les colles, accompagné d’une session pratique
[5] SCHMID Anna et Museum für Kulturen Basel, Fragments, Pots, Patchwork Power figures, Basel 2022, p. 12 ff.